前言 线程是操作系统能够进行运算调度的最小单位,它被包含在进程之中,是进程中的实际运作单位。由于CPython的GIL限制,多线程实际为单线程,大多只用来处理IO密集型任务。
基本使用 方式1,创建threading.Thread
类的示例 import threading
import time
def task1 ( counter: int ) :
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
num = counter
while num > 0 :
time. sleep( 3 )
num -= 1
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
t1 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 7 , ) )
t2 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 5 , ) )
t3 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 3 , ) )
t1. start( )
t2. start( )
t3. start( )
t1. join( )
t2. join( )
t3. join( )
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
main thread: MainThread, start time: 2024-10-26 12:42:37
thread: Thread-1 (task1), args: 7, start time: 2024-10-26 12:42:37
thread: Thread-2 (task1), args: 5, start time: 2024-10-26 12:42:37
thread: Thread-3 (task1), args: 3, start time: 2024-10-26 12:42:37
thread: Thread-3 (task1), args: 3, end time: 2024-10-26 12:42:46
thread: Thread-2 (task1), args: 5, end time: 2024-10-26 12:42:52
thread: Thread-1 (task1), args: 7, end time: 2024-10-26 12:42:58
main thread: MainThread, end time: 2024-10-26 12:42:58
方法 import threading
import time
class MyThread ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ ( self, counter: int ) :
super ( ) . __init__( )
self. counter = counter
def run ( self) :
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { self. counter} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
num = self. counter
while num > 0 :
time. sleep( 3 )
num -= 1
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { self. counter} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
t1 = MyThread( 7 )
t2 = MyThread( 5 )
t3 = MyThread( 3 )
t1. start( )
t2. start( )
t3. start( )
t1. join( )
t2. join( )
t3. join( )
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
import threading
import time
def task1 ( counter: int ) :
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
num = counter
while num > 0 :
time. sleep( 3 )
num -= 1
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
class MyThread ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ ( self, target, args: tuple ) :
super ( ) . __init__( )
self. target = target
self. args = args
def run ( self) :
self. target( * self. args)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
t1 = MyThread( target= task1, args= ( 7 , ) )
t2 = MyThread( target= task1, args= ( 5 , ) )
t3 = MyThread( target= task1, args= ( 3 , ) )
t1. start( )
t2. start( )
t3. start( )
t1. join( )
t2. join( )
t3. join( )
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
多线程同步 如果多个线程共同对某个数据修改,则可能出现不可预料的后果,这时候就需要某些同步机制。比如如下代码,结果是随机的(个人电脑用python3.13实测结果都是0,而低版本的python3.6运行结果的确是随机的)
import threading
import time
num = 0
def task1 ( counter: int ) :
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
global num
for _ in range ( 100000000 ) :
num = num + counter
num = num - counter
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
t1 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 7 , ) )
t2 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 5 , ) )
t3 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 3 , ) )
t4 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 6 , ) )
t5 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 8 , ) )
t1. start( )
t2. start( )
t3. start( )
t4. start( )
t5. start( )
t1. join( )
t2. join( )
t3. join( )
t4. join( )
t5. join( )
print ( f"num: { num} " )
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
Lock-锁 使用互斥锁可以在一个线程访问数据时,拒绝其它线程访问,直到解锁。threading.Thread
import threading
import time
num = 0
mutex = threading. Lock( )
def task1 ( counter: int ) :
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
global num
mutex. acquire( )
for _ in range ( 100000 ) :
num = num + counter
num = num - counter
mutex. release( )
print ( f"thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , args: { counter} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
t1 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 7 , ) )
t2 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 5 , ) )
t3 = threading. Thread( target= task1, args= ( 3 , ) )
t1. start( )
t2. start( )
t3. start( )
t1. join( )
t2. join( )
t3. join( )
print ( f"num: { num} " )
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
Semaphore-信号量 互斥锁是只允许一个线程访问共享数据,而信号量是同时允许一定数量的线程访问共享数据。比如银行有5个窗口,允许同时有5个人办理业务,后面的人只能等待,待柜台有空闲才可以进入。
import threading
import time
from random import randint
semaphore = threading. BoundedSemaphore( 5 )
def business ( name: str ) :
semaphore. acquire( )
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { name} is handling" )
time. sleep( randint( 3 , 10 ) )
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { name} is done" )
semaphore. release( )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , start time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
threads = [ ]
for i in range ( 10 ) :
t = threading. Thread( target= business, args= ( f"thread- { i} " , ) )
threads. append( t)
for t in threads:
t. start( )
for t in threads:
t. join( )
print ( f"main thread: { threading. current_thread( ) . name} , end time: { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } " )
main thread: MainThread, start time: 2024-10-26 17:40:10
2024-10-26 17:40:10 thread-0 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:10 thread-1 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:10 thread-2 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:10 thread-3 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:10 thread-4 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:15 thread-2 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:15 thread-5 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:16 thread-0 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:16 thread-6 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:19 thread-3 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:19 thread-4 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:19 thread-7 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:19 thread-8 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:20 thread-1 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:20 thread-9 is handling
2024-10-26 17:40:21 thread-6 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:23 thread-7 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:24 thread-5 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:24 thread-8 is done
2024-10-26 17:40:30 thread-9 is done
main thread: MainThread, end time: 2024-10-26 17:40:30
Condition-条件对象 Condition
import threading
import time
import random
class Employee ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ ( self, username: str , cond: threading. Condition) :
self. username = username
self. cond = cond
super ( ) . __init__( )
def run ( self) :
with self. cond:
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 到达公司" )
self. cond. wait( )
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 开始工作" )
time. sleep( random. randint( 1 , 5 ) )
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 工作完成" )
class Boss ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ ( self, username: str , cond: threading. Condition) :
self. username = username
self. cond = cond
super ( ) . __init__( )
def run ( self) :
with self. cond:
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 发出通知" )
self. cond. notify_all( )
time. sleep( 2 )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
cond = threading. Condition( )
boss = Boss( "老王" , cond)
employees = [ ]
for i in range ( 5 ) :
employees. append( Employee( f"员工 { i} " , cond) )
for employee in employees:
employee. start( )
boss. start( )
boss. join( )
for employee in employees:
employee. join( )
2024-10-26 21:16:20 员工0 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:16:20 员工1 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:16:20 员工2 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:16:20 员工3 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:16:20 员工4 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:16:20 老王 发出通知
2024-10-26 21:16:20 员工4 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:16:23 员工4 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:16:23 员工1 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:16:28 员工1 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:16:28 员工2 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:16:30 员工2 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:16:30 员工0 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:16:31 员工0 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:16:31 员工3 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:16:32 员工3 工作完成
Event-事件 在 Python 的 threading
对象维护一个内部标志,线程可以使用 wait()
方法阻塞,直到另一个线程调用 set()
方法将标志设置为 True
。一旦标志被设置为 True
:将事件的内部标志设置为 True
:将事件的内部标志设置为 False
:返回事件的内部标志是否为 True
:如果事件的内部标志为 False
,则阻塞当前线程,直到标志被设置为 True
或超时(如果指定了 timeout
)。import threading
import time
import random
class Employee ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ ( self, username: str , cond: threading. Event) :
self. username = username
self. cond = cond
super ( ) . __init__( )
def run ( self) :
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 到达公司" )
self. cond. wait( )
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 开始工作" )
time. sleep( random. randint( 1 , 5 ) )
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 工作完成" )
class Boss ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ ( self, username: str , cond: threading. Event) :
self. username = username
self. cond = cond
super ( ) . __init__( )
def run ( self) :
print ( f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. username} 发出通知" )
self. cond. set ( )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
cond = threading. Event( )
boss = Boss( "老王" , cond)
employees = [ ]
for i in range ( 5 ) :
employees. append( Employee( f"员工 { i} " , cond) )
for employee in employees:
employee. start( )
boss. start( )
boss. join( )
for employee in employees:
employee. join( )
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工0 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工1 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工2 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工3 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工4 到达公司
2024-10-26 21:22:28 老王 发出通知
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工0 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工1 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工3 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工4 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:22:28 员工2 开始工作
2024-10-26 21:22:30 员工3 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:22:31 员工4 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:22:31 员工2 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:22:32 员工0 工作完成
2024-10-26 21:22:32 员工1 工作完成
使用队列 Python的queue
import threading
import time
import random
import queue
class Producer ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ (
self, tname: str , channel: queue. Queue, done: threading. Event
) :
self. tname = tname
self. channel = channel
self. done = done
super ( ) . __init__( )
def run ( self) - > None :
"""Method representing the thread's activity."""
while True :
if self. done. is_set( ) :
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} 收到停止信号事件"
if self. channel. full( ) :
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} report: 队列已满, 全部停止生产"
self. done. set ( )
else :
num = random. randint( 100 , 1000 )
self. channel. put( f" { self. tname} - { num} " )
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} 生成数据 { num} , queue size: { self. channel. qsize( ) } "
time. sleep( random. randint( 1 , 5 ) )
class Consumer ( threading. Thread) :
def __init__ (
self, tname: str , channel: queue. Queue, done: threading. Event
) :
self. tname = tname
self. channel = channel
self. done = done
self. counter = 0
super ( ) . __init__( )
def run ( self) - > None :
"""Method representing the thread's activity."""
while True :
if self. done. is_set( ) :
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} 收到停止信号事件"
if self. counter >= 3 :
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} report: 全部停止消费"
self. done. set ( )
if self. channel. empty( ) :
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} report: 队列为空, counter: { self. counter} "
self. counter += 1
time. sleep( 1 )
else :
data = self. channel. get( )
print (
f" { time. strftime( '%F %T' ) } { self. tname} 消费数据 { data} , queue size: { self. channel. qsize( ) } "
time. sleep( random. randint( 1 , 5 ) )
self. counter = 0
if __name__ == "__main__" :
done_p = threading. Event( )
done_c = threading. Event( )
channel = queue. Queue( 30 )
threads_producer = [ ]
threads_consumer = [ ]
for i in range ( 8 ) :
threads_producer. append( Producer( f"producer- { i} " , channel, done_p) )
for i in range ( 6 ) :
threads_consumer. append( Consumer( f"consumer- { i} " , channel, done_c) )
for t in threads_producer:
t. start( )
for t in threads_consumer:
t. start( )
for t in threads_producer:
t. join( )
for t in threads_consumer:
t. join( )
线程池 在面向对象编程中,创建和销毁对象是很费时间的,因为创建一个对象要获取内存资源或其他更多资源。在多线程程序中,生成一个新线程之后销毁,然后再创建一个,这种方式就很低效。池化多线程,也就是线程池就为此而生。
import time
from multiprocessing. dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
def foo ( n) :
time. sleep( 2 )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
start = time. time( )
for n in range ( 5 ) :
foo( n)
print ( "single thread time: " , time. time( ) - start)
start = time. time( )
t_pool = ThreadPool( processes= 5 )
rst = t_pool. map ( foo, range ( 5 ) )
t_pool. close( )
t_pool. join( )
print ( "thread pool time: " , time. time( ) - start)
线程池执行器 python的内置模块concurrent.futures
import time
from random import randint
from concurrent. futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def foo ( ) - > None :
time. sleep( 2 )
return randint( 1 , 100 )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
start = time. time( )
futures = [ ]
with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers= 5 ) as executor:
for n in range ( 10 ) :
futures. append( executor. submit( foo) )
for future in futures:
print ( future. result( ) )
print ( "thread pool executor time: " , time. time( ) - start)
thread pool executor time: 4.001955032348633
该文章在 2025/1/17 10:06:25 编辑过