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There are plenty of mistakes in the world of web design. Let's look at what I believe to be the 10 biggest.
全球的网站设计中存在诸多问题,下面我列举一下10条最大的错误: 1. Too Many Ads. 广告太多 When you're trying to make money from your website, it's all too easy to overwhelm your site with ads. Put yourself in your user's place and take a good hard look at your site and ask yourself if the ads feel intrusive. Does the site look like an information source or does it feel more like a page-holder for the ads? 当你试图通过网站盈利时,很有可能会在网站中放置大篇幅的广告。请你站在用户的角度考虑一下,仔细看看你的网站,如果广告太多的话,自己会不会对该网站感到厌烦。那么,网站看上去应该像一个信息集散地呢,还是应该像一个纯粹是宣传广告的地方? 2. Plugin Overload. 插件太多 You have to keep plugin usage to a maximum of 1 type per page. If you've got Flash, then you can't have a media player, or if you're using Java, then no Flash. It's not as bad to use the same plugin twice, however. 你应该在每张页面上使用同一类型的插件。如果你已经使用了Flash,那么你不要再放置其它的媒体播放器了;或者,如果你使用了Java,那么就不要再使用Flash了。对于同一个插件使用两次并不是坏事。 3. Flash Intros. 使用Flash介绍 Please, don't use a Flash intro on your website. They have been so overused that they're becoming universally mocked. 请不要在网站上使用Flash介绍。由于这些东西使用过度,以至于没人愿意再接受它。 4. Unclear Layout and Navigation. 不清晰的层次和导航条 Many websites, especially business sites, suffer from some kind of disease where the very simplest task takes 10 steps. If users are asking you how to do things on your site, then you need to improve your layout and navigation. If there are certain tasks people want to do frequently, put them on the front page. 很多网站,特别是商业网站都面临着这样的问题:明明很简单的任务竟要花上10个步骤去完成它。如果用户问你该如何在你的站点上完成这些事情,那么你就应该完善一下你的层次和导航条系统了。 5. No Marking for External Links. 没有标记外部链接 There are 2 kinds of links: internal (to other parts of your website) and external (to other websites). For the benefit of your users, it's best if you mark external links, either by making them a different color or using some kind of a symbol. It's also good to make the external links open in new windows, so people aren't leaving your site altogether when they click them. 链接有两种类型:内部链接(链接到网站的其他部分)、外部链接(连接到其它网站)。从用户的角度考虑,你最好标记外部链接,或者,是用不同的颜色或者符号来标记它。最好在弹出的新窗口打开外部链接,那样的话,当人们点击它的时候就不会离开原来的站点了。 6. Unclear Linking. 使用不清晰的链接 Some web pages are designed to show links only when people put their mouse over them. While this might make the design look nicer, it is not very user friendly. Instead, use a clearly contrasting color for links, and preferably underline them. This makes them more visible to the user, thus more user friendly. 很多网站的链接只在用户的鼠标经过链接时才会有所显示。当然,这可能会使整个页面设计非常漂亮,但是,这并不具备实用性;相反地,为链接使用一个鲜明的对比色,并且带有下划线,这会使链接更具有可视性,并且更加能够反映出用户友好性。 7. Unlabelled Email Links. 使用无标签的Email链接 Always clearly mark a link that will send email (a mailto link) with the word 'email'. If you turn clicking a name into send email, you'll annoy users who expected to find out more about the person. 在“Email”单词的后面写上完整清晰的Email链接,并且发送Email("mailto” 链接)。如果你希望点击某个名字从而转到这个名字相对应的Email,那么你就不能是用户查找到关于这个人的更多信息。 8. Broken Links. 使用无效链接 You should check your links regularly to make sure that they all still work. There's nothing worse than finding a site that looks useful, only to find that it hasn't been updated in years, so most of the links don't work. While a website does mostly run itself after a while, that doesn't mean that you should neglect essential maintenance. 你应该经常性的检查你的链接,看看它们是否依然正常。网站的使用性非常重要,看看几年内没有更新过的网站,大多数可能已经失效了。尽管网站是依靠自身所不断发展的,但这并不意味着你可以忽略必要的维护。 9. Strange Fonts. 使用陌生的字体 Stick to the most common web fonts: that's pretty much just 坚持使用那些适用于网站的通俗字体,如效果不错的Arial、Georgia、Tahoma 和 Verdana 字体。如果你使用了更多模糊的字体,那么大多数用户将不会再使用它们 —— 而且这些字体的可读性也会很差。这些字体仅能用在logo里或标题里,并且,它们只是作为一张图像出现。 10. Badly-sized Text. 使用文字尺寸不当 It's important to keep your text around the standard size. Making text too big or too small makes it hard to read and annoying for many users. The best thing you can do is use relative text sizing (not pixels) that allows the browser to respect the user's preferred text size. You should also consider offering buttons on your site to decrease or increase the font size. 尽量使用标准的字体大小。如果字体尺寸大小过大或过小都会使阅读造成困难,并会困扰人们多年。最好的方式就是使用相对字体尺寸(而不是像素),这样可以根据浏览器的不能特性来自由规定出不同的尺寸。你也应该在网站上放置自助按钮来放大或缩小字体尺寸。 该文章在 2012/3/14 21:08:44 编辑过 |
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